校庭の仮設ステージは使えません。 会場は急遽公民館に移されましたが、中は小さなステージの上以外ジプシーですし詰めです。 予選が始まった途端、会場の興奮は一気に頂点に達します。
彼らの渾身の踊りに、音楽も、観客の魂も即座に呼応し、 会場全体に大きな一体感が生まれるのです。
ジプシーたちは小さな子供でさえ誰もが、 何百人もの観衆が見つめる舞台の上で臆することなく自分を表現します。
そんな才能あふれるジプシーたちの中から 特に魅力的なパフォーマンスを見せた者が決勝に臨み、 そこで最大限を越えた力を発揮し、観客を魅了した者に 金、銀、ブロンズの各賞が授与されました。
その入賞者の中から、ジプシーの魅力を世界に発信するべく 若き音楽家と5人のダンサーたちが日本行きの栄冠を手にしたのです。
by Hiroko Tokumoto
The small community all of Gernyeszeg was bustling with people. The people gathered were Gypsies living here and there in Transylvania. Men and women old and young, children and infants, they were all Gypsies. This was the day of the Gypsies Festival.Dancers wearing their best for this day went on stage to show their skills keeping in tune with the performance of skilled musicians representing the village. With an unique air of pathetic ness yet in a fast tempo performed in many ways arouse your interest . During the long hours of performance, the men performers dancing in complicated steps slap their bodies here and there rhythmically. The woman with shorter steps taking in the impact with their whole body flutter their colorful skirts flatteringly . The rhythm and speed timed exactly to the music is indeed a divine skill.The audience cheering wildly to this performance, they are entirely Gypsies.The body moves naturally as long as there is music.The spirit of the whole room is united into one.The ROMAFEST began in November 1999.Fortunately I was able to attend to the first performance, a memorable one. Being in the presence of so many Gypsies and viewing their performance with my own eyes, their performance filled with enthusiasm and howling spirit overwhelmed me, however their song JELEM JELEM closing the festival left a huge wave of admiration within me.While being moved to admiration of their high technique it makes me wonder why their performance strikes the heart of the audience in this way. I come to he conclusion that the dance and music of the Gypsies are handed down from their ancestors, the principle being the same as a newborn infant who learns to speak naturally, it is another language that lodges within their soul. From this ROMAFEST contest showing the spirit of Gypsies, I shall always remember the radiance it has left in my mind. ロマフェスト JAPAN Tour 2011! Romafest Japan KAKO
徳 元 裕 子
村代表の腕自慢の音楽家たちの演奏にあわせて、 この日のために一張羅を着込んだ 踊り手たちが次々に舞台に上り、その技を繰り出す。
独特の哀愁を含んだ、それでいて気持ちを掻き立てるテンポの速いメロディーが、 幾通りも、そして何時間も演奏される中、男は複雑なステップを踏みながら、 力強くその手で体のあちこちをリズミカルに叩く。
女は細かくステップを刻み、全身にその振動を湛えながら、 色あざやかなスカートを妖艶にひるがえす。
初めて目の当たりにする沢山のジプシーたちと、 その魂の咆哮とも思える熱気のこもったパフォーマンスに 最初から圧倒されっぱなしでしたが、その驚きと衝撃は、 彼らの心の歌、JELEM JELEMで幕を閉じるフェスティバルの最後には、 大きな感動の波となって押し寄せて来ました。
その高度なテクニックに驚嘆するのはさることながら、 なぜ彼らのパフォーマンスは見ている者の心をここまで打つのでしょう。 それはジプシーの踊りや音楽が先祖代々、 生まれた赤ん坊が自然に言葉を覚えるのと同じ原理で 彼らの魂に宿ったもう一つ言葉だからです。
ROMAFESTというジプシーの魂の競宴で 彼らが放った輝きを私は忘れることができません。
Falling love
In summer of 2003, it being the 5th. ROMAFEST, a grand festival was held at the outdoor theater of Tirg-Mures. Although it was raining until the day before it cleared up incredibly before the opening and under the blue sky there was a parade before the opening. The hundreds of Gypsies dressed up in their best costumes parading while dancing and singing with the band in tow was a spectacular sight like an undulating wave of color and music. People in the streets stopped and stared in wonder. Here and there contesting each other already filled with enthusiasm and excitement, they arrived at the grounds, so finally began the festival. The Group contest was the first on the program . The most accomplished dancers and musicians representing their village teamed up into a group. In the Solo group best performers selected from each team performed. In the next showing a dancer would go on stage with a performer of different style of dancing, in a short time,
showing how much your style can appeal to the spectators. Although the performer is well versed in expressing its talent to appeal to the audience in a short time, I raise my hat to this feat and energy. During the elapse of 5 years the ROMAFEST musicians, dancers swelled to a great number, this year 80 people received the gold awards. Among them were people who are renowned, performing yearly, however most of the recipients are new comers to this contest.
There is great anticipation for Gypsies with hidden talents to participate in these festivals.
Hereafter one cannot take its eyes away from the ROMAFEST!!
徳 元 裕 子
2003年夏のROMAFESTはちょうど5回目という節目に当たり、 ティルグムレシュの町の野外劇場で盛大に開催されました。前日まで降り続いていた雨が嘘のように晴れ渡った空の下、 開会に先立ちパレードが行われました。 きれいに着飾った数百人のジプシーたちが町の目抜き通りを 楽団を従え、踊りながら歌いながら練り歩く様は圧巻で、 まるで音楽と色彩がうねる波のようです。 町を行く誰もが足を止め、目を見張ります。 あちこちでパフォーマンス合戦を繰り広げながら 既に興奮と熱気に満ちたパレードが会場に到着すると、 いよいよフェスティバルが始まります。
最初は団体戦。 村を代表する踊りの名手と音楽家たちがチームを組んで挑みます。
それぞれのチームの踊りや衣装、音楽や楽器に彼らが暮らす地域特有のスタイルが有り、 見ていて飽きることがありません。
また若者だけではなく子供たちの演技や、昔鳴らした老人たちの 円熟した技が見られるのも楽しみの一つです。 個人戦には各チームから選抜された精鋭たちが参加します。今度はスタイルの違う踊手と一緒に舞台に立ち、 短い時間で自分をアピールしなければなりません。自分を表現することに長けているとはいえ、一瞬のうちに観客の心を掴み、 自分のペースにのせてしまう彼らのエネルギーには脱帽です。
中には毎年大会に出場して優秀な成績を修めている有名人もいますが、 毎回ほとんどの受賞者が新しい顔ぶれです。
才能あふれるジプシーたちの層は遥かに厚く、 これからも続々と隠れた名人たちが登場してくる期待、大です。
by Hiroko Tokumoto
The ROMAFEST DANCE ENSEMBLE was established in June 2001, the third contest. Each village had their own teams which increased greatly, each team was accompanied by a large cheering group arriving at GERNYESZEG. The whole grounds of the village primary school would be filled with arrivals of Gypsies, without waiting for opening of the festival they would start to dance, impromptu performance would begin. The would Gypsies is a whole expression of these people, it should be said that their dance, music and costume differs according to the village they represent. Each team with their music, dance and colorful costumes would make an effort to appeal to the audience. The expression on their faces are indeed filled with brightness and pride to be gathered with fellow Gypsies which makes even the hearts of the audience glow with warmth. It was unfortunate that on the day of the preliminary contest the weather was unfavorable. The temporary stage set up in the school grounds could not be used. In haste the site was moved to the public auditorium.
However other than the top of the tiny stage it was packed with Gypsies. The excitement of the audience went to its peak as soon as the contest began. Dancers going on the stage were in dead earnest from the very beginning . The hearts of the audience responded immediately to the movements of their dance and music, the entire room united in air of union. The Gypsies, even little children go on stage boldly showing their talents, not heeding the presence of hundreds of people in the audience. This is truly an art of music and dancing born within them handed down from their ancestors. From within these performers overflowing with talents those displaying the most appealing performance were chosen to perform in the final round of the contest.
There they displayed their utmost talents, those fascinating the audience most were presented the gold, silver and bronze awards. From within these recipients together with five dancers were crowned to go to Japan. From here the ROMAFEST DANCE ENSEMBLE delightful advance begins.